July 27, 2024

What would you ask Jan Pronk?What would you ask Jan Pronk?What would you ask Jan Pronk?Państwa pytania dla Jana Pronka Cosa chiederesti a Jan Pronk?

Former UN Special Representative for Sudan, Jan Pronk, has agreed to a podcast interview of questions provided by you –  If you’re interested in asking him a question on Darfur go to the “submit a question” tab at the top of this page. You can submit anonymously or not – it’s up to you. Questions go directly to my inbox and I will ask him as many as I have time for in the interview. If you think there is particular a context/background I need to know to ask the question, then feel free to send that through at the same time.

About Jan Pronk:Former UN Special Representative for Sudan, Jan Pronk, has agreed to a podcast interview of questions provided by you –  If you’re interested in asking him a question on Darfur go to the “submit a question” tab at the top of this page. You can submit anonymously or not – it’s up to you. Questions go directly to my inbox and I will ask him as many as I have time for in the interview. If you think there is particular a context/background I need to know to ask the question, then feel free to send that through at the same time.

About Jan Pronk:Former UN Special Representative for Sudan, Jan Pronk, has agreed to a podcast interview of questions provided by you –  If you’re interested in asking him a question on Darfur go to the “submit a question” tab at the top of this page. You can submit anonymously or not – it’s up to you. Questions go directly to my inbox and I will ask him as many as I have time for in the interview. If you think there is particular a context/background I need to know to ask the question, then feel free to send that through at the same time.

About Jan Pronk:Holenderski polityk i dyplomata Jan Pronk to były wysłannik Sekretarza Generalnego ONZ do Sudanu. Pronk zgodził sie udzielić wywiadu i zgodził sie odpowiedzieć na Państwa pytania. Kliknij na Zadaj Pytanie. Tam, Państwo mogą zasugerować pytania anonimowo lub otwarcie, a te trafią bezpośrednio do mojej skrzynki pocztowej i do Pana Pronka. Obiecuję Wam że zadam każde pytanie na które będziemy mieli czas, a odpowiedzi znajda Państwo w formie podcastu. Ex Inviato Speciale delle Nazioni Unite per il Sudan, Jan Pronk risponde alle vostre domande. Se vi interessa chiedergli qualcosa sul Darfur, cliccate sulla tabella intitolata “invia una domanda” ad inizio pagina. Le vostre domande, che possono essere anonime o firmate, arriveranno direttamente sulla mia casella di posta: io gliene chiederò il maggior numero possibile, conciliando i tempi dell’intervista. Se ritenete che, per fare la domanda, abbia bisogno di maggiori informazioni, mandamele pure nella stessa mail.

Dutch diplomat/politician Jan Pronk was the UN Special Representative for Sudan from June 2004 until he was expelled by the Sudanese government in October 2006 for “waging psychological war on the armed forces” of Sudan through comments made on his blog.

These days he is a Professor of Theory and Practice of International Development at the Institute for Social Studies, just round the corner from where I live in Den Haag.

Dutch diplomat/politician Jan Pronk was the UN Special Representative for Sudan from June 2004 until he was expelled by the Sudanese government in October 2006 for “waging psychological war on the armed forces” of Sudan through comments made on his blog.

These days he is a Professor of Theory and Practice of International Development at the Institute for Social Studies, just round the corner from where I live in Den Haag.

Dutch diplomat/politician Jan Pronk was the UN Special Representative for Sudan from June 2004 until he was expelled by the Sudanese government in October 2006 for “waging psychological war on the armed forces” of Sudan through comments made on his blog.

These days he is a Professor of Theory and Practice of International Development at the Institute for Social Studies, just round the corner from where I live in Den Haag.

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