April 20, 2024

Odds & ends

Apologies for the lack of updates. A friend told me that while the Kenyan government held a ceremony in honor of the arrival of fiber optic cable, their party was premature and the much-anticipated cable is not yet in the country. This didn’t seem implausible given that accounting for things not actually present is something […]

What would you ask Luis Moreno Ocampo? ماذا ان تسأل لويس مورينو اوكامبو؟ Quelle question poseriez-vous à Luis Moreno Ocampo?Państwa pytania dla Luisa Moreno Ocampo

International Criminal Court Prosecutor, Luis Moreno Ocampo, has agreed to a podcast interview of questions provided by you. If you’re interested in asking him a question on Darfur go to the “submit a question” tab at the top of this page. You can submit anonymously or not – it’s up to you. Questions go directly […]

What would you ask Jan Pronk?What would you ask Jan Pronk?What would you ask Jan Pronk?Państwa pytania dla Jana Pronka Cosa chiederesti a Jan Pronk?

Jan Pronk has agreed to a podcast interview of questions provided by you – If you’re interested in asking him a question on Darfur go to the “submit a question” tab at the top of this page.